About Us

PCH Vision & Mission

Purbanchal Cancer Hospital provides Multidisciplinary super specialized cancer care Services under one roof. Initiated by the private investment, the hospital binds all the rules and regulations of Health Ministry of Nepal Government.

Opened in 2019, Purbanchal Cancer Hospital was the first acute tertiary care hospital in Eastern Nepal. Our mission is to be recognize as the leading healthcare provider not only in the region but also to provide quality health service to the sub-continent. Our vision is to enhance the quality of life of patients and clients throughout our network by providing high quality, cost-efficient, multi-disciplinary medical services delivered with a personal touch.

At Purbanchal Cancer Hospital we provide the best cancer treatment in Nepal foster, promote, and practice high-quality, ethical, evidence-based treatment.  Our major focus is to establish and promote collaborative partnerships between individuals served, staff and families in order to maintain an environment where services and treatment are provided with dignity and respect to all.

We hope the information contained in our website will be helpful to you and answer some of the questions you may have.

We warmly welcome you all to Purbanchal Cancer Hospital. Let's beat cancer together.

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